Author Archives: passportocean

How Much Plastics Is In The Ocean ?

How much plastics is in the Ocean ?

Ever wondered how much plastics is in the ocean. It is believed that much of the plastic that does not end up in the landfill or goes through other waste management methods ends up in the ocean. Plastic can penetrate the ocean in the form of microplastics or large identifiable elements or specific parts of […]

What Are The Smallest Sharks In The World?

What re the smallest sharks in the world ?

The species of the smallest sharks in the world are densely populated and are found in the oceans around the world. These include Dwarf Lanternshark, Short tail Lanternshark, Green Lanternshar, Atlantic Ghost Catshark, and Shorttail Lanternshark. Let’s have a look at the species of the smallest sharks in the world one by one. 1. Dwarf […]

How Many Teeth Does A White Shark Have?

How Many Teeth Does A White Shark Have

The world of the ocean is filled with mysterious and unique creatures. Man has always been interested in the world of these mysterious creatures, especially due to the fact that they are able to only breathe under water, while man isn’t able to do that. Some creatures are more formidable than the others, underwater, and […]